
Pure Vitality Medical Disclaimer

Nothing mentioned in this website or on this blog is intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.  If you have any health condition or concern, please contact your physician or health care provider.  You should always consult with a physician or health care provider prior to changing your diet, exercise program, using any new product or supplement, stopping the use of any product or supplement. 

You are responsible for your own research of scientific and nutritional facts prior to doing anything mentioned on this website or on this blog.  You are encouraged to research the facts on anything that you might think about doing based on the information on this website or on this blog.  Everyone’s body is different and what I say or what I have experienced might not be true for you.  I cannot be held responsible for the effects of anything that you might choose to do as the result of something that you may have read on this website or on this blog.

The statements on this website or blog have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

Pure Vitality Financial Disclaimer

This site contains affiliate links.  That means that when you click on a link and make a purchase, I might make a small commission.  However, the amount that you pay will not change.

I only recommend products that I either use myself or would be comfortable using.  I’m very much a “tell others about what you love” kind of person.  I think you’ll see that in my writing.

Occasionally, there are products that I link to for illustrative purposes only.

Blogging takes a ton of time and it also costs money – domain registration, hosting fees, software, etc.  So your support by purchasing things through my site helps to keep this free resource going.  I really appreciate your thinking of me when you choose to shop as well.  If you decide that you need a Vitamix or an Excalibur Dehydrator, or something on Amazon, I would very much appreciate your clicking through my site, or in the case of the dehydrators, you can buy them on our online store.

Thanks for your understanding and your support!