Our Story
Pure Vitality. It’s a story that started in the most unlikely place…
After another night of tossing and turning, a wave of fear came over me at 5 am….how am I going to be able to get everything done today on just 3 hours of sleep? It felt impossible.
Here I was wide awake while my baby was sleeping peacefully in the next room. I could feel the tears welling up, so I quietly snuck out of the bedroom, trying not to disturb my husband. As I walked across the floor, my joints ached, my head hurt, I was exhausted yet I couldn’t sleep.
As I sat on the sofa downstairs, I started sobbing…..”What was wrong with me? How did I get here?” I wondered. Trying to figure out what was wrong with my body, I thought about how things were just 2 years earlier….
I had a successful career as an artist, painting murals and furniture.
I was growing herbs, making herbal remedies, and selling soap at a local farmers market in my spare time. My husband and I had just finished building our hand-crafted log house, and we had goats and chickens, an organic garden…It was everything we had always wanted. I was living my dream.
Ready to start a family, in 2003 I got pregnant. Little did I know that the birth of my daughter would lead me down into the darkest, toughest time of my life.
After she was born- a healthy beautiful baby girl- my health crashed. From that point on, I suffered from debilitating insomnia, thyroid problems, and extreme fatigue. My baby was sleeping through the night, but I was going weeks without any sleep at all.

I went from doctor to doctor, but no one could figure out what was wrong.
I had tried eating all organic, taking supplements, going gluten free, but it was not enough. Why wasn’t it working?
I hit rock bottom. Instead of me taking care of my family, they were taking care of me. I cried as I looked into my baby’s eyes because here she was needing me to take care of her, so helpless and sweet, and I felt like the helpless one….unable to do more than sit on the sofa in despair most days.
The insomnia was relentless. I struggled to put a smile on my face and say “good morning” to my husband, but after nights on end of tossing and turning, all I could do was cry. It hurt so much to see the fear and frustration in his eyes as he wanted to fix it, but couldn’t. Not months, but years went by, and living in survival mode became our new normal.
My life was ruled by my health problems.
“Why can’t I get well? Why is this so difficult?” Sinking into deeper despair, I began to realize the problem…. I knew that was meant for more than this, but I had been stuck in a place of fear, trying to do it all on my own.
As I prayed for guidance and finally surrendered….
God told me that I would need someone to help me get well.
It was a huge A-ha moment as I realized there was some missing piece of the puzzle that was keeping me stuck, something I couldn’t figure out on my own.
From that point on, I let go of fear, let go of control, and simply trusted that God would provide an answer even if I couldn’t see it yet.
In just 3 days, I got a phone call from a friend who said she had just met a practitioner who might be able to help me, and it turned out that she was the answer to my prayer.
What happened after that was that she discovered what everyone else had been missing – it was toxic chemicals I had been exposed to that were keeping me sick. Once I heard that, I felt such relief-
There finally was an answer and a way to get well.
I was willing to do whatever she recommended, but it was a significant financial investment. I felt bad about spending that kind of money….but my husband said that if this was able to get me better, then whatever we had to spend would be worth it just to have me back.
So, I decided to go all in, because it felt like the right thing to do, and I’m so glad we did because it’s paid off in more ways than I could ever have imagined.
I went through a sauna detox program at her clinic to turn my health around. One day, during the detox, I was sitting in the sauna, watching her make my vegetable juice. And I got a divine download as I saw myself as her one day, helping others regain their health. It was like a spark went off inside of me and I just KNEW that being a holistic practitioner was my calling and purpose in life.
I can summarize the happy ending…
Even though it took effort and persistence, all of my health problems gradually went away and I felt so much better than I had in a very long time.
Not only was my body healthier, but the depression was also gone. I felt like someone had given me the keys to my prison cell and I could finally experience life again in a healthy body. I had my energy back. And I could get back into the game of life without sitting on the sidelines anymore.
It felt so good to be able to enjoy my family again and do what I wanted. Anything was now possible, and so, I decided to follow my dream and enrolled in a holistic education program to become a practitioner.
I started Pure Vitality to help people break free from the health problems that have kept them imprisoned for far too long by finding the root cause that is keeping them stuck, and showing them the way back to health.

Even though Pure Vitality had humble beginnings in my log house…
Lives were being changed and the word started to spread. People came to my home office, not expecting to see goats and chickens grazing nearby in our pasture.
As the buzz continued to grow about Pure Vitality in our community, I got so busy that I could no longer do this alone. And that’s when a woman named Marie called me up one day….
She asked if she could apprentice with me and learn from me….Little did I know that would change both of our lives.
In that first year together, I attended nutrition school while I worked with Becky, and it did not take long to see how well we complemented each others skill sets. Becky was fantastic at being the health detective and uncovering the root cause of whatever was ailing someone physically, and I was able to go straight to the heart of what was emotionally holding them back, which got our clients even better results!
Our vision for changing people’s lives kept attracting other like-minded practitioners. With a heart of compassion for people, Jessica joined our family and helped us take the business to another level.
Because we kept growing from word of mouth referrals alone, we had to move out of Becky’s log cabin and into a 3,200 square-foot wellness center where we now have a team of practitioners working together changing even more lives. When you have a group of people that share the same vision, the same values, the same passion, and care more about the clients than anything else, it’s truly remarkable.
We are living in a time of unprecedented chemical toxins and processed food, where our bodies face more challenges than ever before. Which means we need real solutions that WORK…There are so many people who feel just as imprisoned as I did, and they want the energy and emotional stability to know they can handle whatever challenges come their way.
What we do at Pure Vitality is different.
Most people think that alternative medicine is about a particular diet, a detox, or about taking supplements, but it’s so much more than all of that.
It’s about being able to sleep well and wake up feeling good, so you are not dependent on a cup of coffee to get you going!
It’s about being free of anxiety and loving life again!
The food, the supplements, the detox program, those are just some of the tools we use to get you there.
While most people these days are looking for a quick fix, or a medication to mask symptoms, we know that the work we do goes so much deeper than that.
We believe that God has placed within each one of us the BLUEPRINT for health.
And for far too long, we have been told to take this drug, schedule this surgery, ignore your body’s symptoms, or medicate away your anxiety or depression.
But if you’re like us, somewhere deep inside, you know better than that.
What if feeling good again was possible? What if you could have energy all day long? What if you could walk without pain? What if you didn’t have to worry about migraines cancelling your plans? And what if you liked what you saw in the mirror?
We’re here to tell you, it IS possible. And once you experience that level of transformation, you’re never the same.
Not everybody wants what we’re sharing, but for those that do…. they want a life that doesn’t revolve around their health problems and are ready to do whatever it takes to get there.
Our passion comes from our desire for others to experience the life-changing well-being that has given us the vitality to live our dreams.
Sometimes you just need someone else who’s been there to find uncover the root cause that may be keeping you stuck so you can finally experience the freedom/life you’ve been searching for.
We could not imagine doing anything else in life other than being here, caring for the people we are working with everyday.
Because when someone comes in who is suffering, and you put them on a protocol….and then you see them come in smiling a few weeks later, telling you how amazing they feel, that means we’ve done a great job. And we know their life will never be the same.
That’s what we’re all about.