Refreshing Summertime Beverages

Looking for something more thirst-quenching than water to drink?   These tasty recipes will help keep you cool and quenched! Simply drinking plain water may not be enough to rehydrate the tissues and cells, especially during the summer when physical activity during...

Eggnog Recipe

It is so easy to make your own delicious eggnog.  My recipe only uses raw, whole food ingredients that will nourish your body.  Be sure to use organic, farm-fresh eggs.     1 organic raw egg or two raw egg yolks 1  ripe banana 1/2- 3/4 cup coconut milk or almond milk...

Juicing Recipes

Here is a general guideline for making up your own juice recipes: Not ready to make your own recipes?  These are my favorites: Each recipe serves 1 1 celery stalk 1 small beet 1 large carrot 1/2 apple —————– 3 large carrots 1...