Looking for a gluten-free Thanksgiving dressing recipe?  Look no further because this recipe has been handed down from my grandparents, to parents, and now to me.  In other words, it's a keeper!  

It's a delicious combination of cubed bread mixed with onions, mushrooms, herbs, and pecans.  I never used to appreciate it's goodness as a child, but as an adult, this is my favorite part of our Thanksgiving meal (and my sisters agree!)

    Dressing for a                   25lb bird    16-20lb     small bird

Butter……………………………………………..1 1/4 cup……..1 cup…………1/2 cup
Onion chopped…………………………………..1/2 c.+ 2 Tb….1/2 cup………1/4 cup
Mushrooms, sliced……………………………….1 lb……………Use as desired……..
Gluten-free bread, broken in cubes…………..18 c…………….16 c………….8 c.
Parsley, snipped fresh…………………………..3/4 c…………..1/2 c………….1/4 c.
Celery, chopped………………………………….5 c……………..4 c…………….2 c.
Basil, dried………………………………………..1 1/2 Tb……….1 Tb…………..1 1/2 tsp.
Salt…………………………………………………1 1/2 Tb……….1 Tb………….1 1/2 tsp.
Paprika……………………………………………2 1/2 tsp………..2 tsp………….1 tsp
Nutmeg……………………………………………1/2 tsp…………dash………….1/2 dash
Pecans, broken………………………………….16-24 oz………..Use as much as desired

Melt butter in large pan.  Saute onion and celery in butter until onions are transparent, but celery is still a bit crisp.

Mix all the rest of the ingredients in a very large bowl.  Pour the butter mixture over the bread mixture.  I use my hands to incorporate the two together. 

Place some dressing loosely in the body cavity and the neck cavity of the turkey.  Secure the neck skin over that area with large roasting pins.  For the excess dressing, I put it in a large pan and place the turkey neck on top of it, covering loosely with foil.  I then bake this for a while until the neck juices run into the dressing. 

When your turkey is ready, scoop all of the dressing out of both cavities and mix them with the other baked dressing to blend flavors and moisture.


Becky Mauldin, N.D. is a Naturopath, teacher, speaker, and author.  She has authored two gluten-free cookbooks, Vibrant Health and Recipes for Life. Her story of recovery from an incurable illness has inspired many people around the world. She is known for making a healthy diet achievable for real people and real life.

Connect with her on Facebook and let her know what you think of this post. 


This post is linked to: Delicious Obsessions, Simply Sugar and Gluten Free, Growing Home, Real Food Forager