5 Ways to get your kids eating healthy

5 Ways to get your kids eating healthy

5 Ways to get your kids eating healthy In a world where fast food advertisements are selling our children a false sense of heath by adding milk, and genetically modified fruit to their processed chicken nuggets, it can feel like quite the battle when it comes to...
DIY Smart Meter Shield

DIY Smart Meter Shield

Smart meters emit a type of radiation, similar to wifi, that pulses about once or twice per minute in short, strong bursts.  While the industry is telling people that they are safe and not a health hazard, I’ve seen the harm they have done as I’ve worked...
Take a Tour of My Kitchen

Take a Tour of My Kitchen

Sometimes I wish I could have you over for a cup of herbal tea and show you around my kitchen.  Well, grab some tea and come on over and I will show you one of my favorite rooms of my house!                                   I live and work in a log home that my...